The Power in Waiting

The Power in Waiting

By Pastor Jaco Mostert 6 August 2021

There is power in waiting because there are some things that happen to a person when they wait. God wants you to wait. If you can’t wait, you will sometimes miss what God wanted you to have. Waiting takes super power. God has to help us with this ability. We need His help and Him teaching us how to wait and be patient. Patience is a super power that we need to get to where we should be. When we read in Mark 5: 21 – 43 we read about Jairus who went to Jesus, asking that the Lord will go with him to his place to heal his daughter. On their way they were passing through a great crowd of people pressing in around Jesus. They stopped for a moment as well because Jesus wanted to know who touched His cloak and received healing. In all of this, Jarius was in a rush to get Jesus to his daughter, but had to walk patiently in the situation. When they got to his home, he was informed that his daughter had died. Jesus did raise her from death, but can we think for a moment what Jarius had to go through? He was probably thinking “If Jesus wasn’t bothered by the crowd, my daughter still would’ve been alive; I went to fetch Jesus first, yet others received a miracle of healing and my daughter is dead.” Many of us can relate with this way of thinking. “Why are others getting it before me? I’ve been asking for much longer. Why is my blessing so slow? What am I doing wrong?” Jesus told Jarius: Mark 5: 35 – 36 While Jesus was still speaking, some people came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue leader. “Your daughter is dead,” they said. “Why bother the teacher anymore?” 36 Overhearing[c] what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Jesus was clear. BELIEVE. Don’t fear. When things aren’t going the way we planned, don’t fear, just believe. When things don’t go our way, and all we have left is to believe in Jesus, there are things within us that die. God will sometimes let us go through seasons where we should learn to only trust in Him, and for everything within us that wants to fight that will have to die. We will learn to be OK with His time, knowing that His time isn’t ours. But it’s the best. We get to the place of “I only want what He wants for me; and when He wants it for me.” We also learn to apply thankfulness. “Jesus did turn to me and He did say: Believe. He is still talking to me. He didn’t reject me. I almost ran, but He is still there for me.”

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