Friends of the Word V2

Friends of the Word V2

By Pastor Jaco Mostert 29 August 2022

Proverbs 13: 20 Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble. a Wise man will associate with a wise man, according to the Word. See with who you associate with. The word “associate” must be grasped. Lot associated with Abraham, on whom God promise of favor was. And because of the association, Lot also received a lot of favor. Be very careful who you associate with. You will be identified by those you associate with. You need to see where you want to go, and associate with those who is there or are going there. Proverbs 9: 10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. We are looking for friends that has a fear of the Lord. They are the wise ones. I am not looking for friends with a degree because that’s not wisdom. Yes, it’s good to have a degree, but it’s not where we start. You can be clever, but stupid. Proverbs 12: 26 The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray. “Careful” is the word I want to elaborate on. Choose your friends carefully; your marriage partner; and all those you associate with. They will determine or influence the direction in your life. Because, friendship is closeness. It’s those people you allow in your heart. I believe that when God says that Abraham was a friend of God, it also meant that they dwelled together in an intimate space -The Holy of holies, that’s where Abraham was allowed. First, we want to be friends with God. And based on that friendship and how our Friend looks, we choose our friends. Because only then we know how a true friend looks.

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