The Return Of Jesus Our Savior Part 2

The Return Of Jesus Our Savior Part 2

By Pastor Jaco Mostert 1 June 2021

The Return of Jesus our Savior

Volume 2

It is one of the most important messages to understand, and that is that Jesus is coming back soon!

Jesus will firstly come fetch His bride. These are those eagerly waiting upon Him and are found without spot or blemish.

The Word talk about the Bride and guests.

We believe the guests will be those who made it during the tribulation and great tribulation.

We need to be aware of how things will be on earth after the rapture of the Bride of Christ.

The governments will use the chaos which will occur due to the rapture, to bring the One World Order into place.

There will be a system, and whoever doesn’t participate and submit to the system won’t be able to sell or buy anything, and will basically be made known and treated like a terrorist.

We believe the rapture is what will trigger a huge revival.

After the rapture, Jesus and the Bride will come after the 7 years of tribulation and judge the whole world.

The following scriptures is being discussed:

Matthew 28: 44 - 46

Acts 2:17

Revelations 7: 7 – 9

Revelations 9: 1 – 3

Revelations 11: 3- 13

Revelations 13: 5 – 14

Revelations 14: 3 -5

God will give Satan permission to do what needs to be done according to the book of Revelations.

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