Distorted mind-sets V2

Distorted mind-sets V2

By Pastor Jaco Mostert 29 August 2022

There’s a lot of distortion going on in the world. If a parent leaves their child in front of the TV the mind will become distorted automatically. Proverbs 23: 7 7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. He says to you, “Eat and drink!” But his heart is not with you. Perceptions are so important. It’s how I see things. How we believe/think, is how we will be. I have seen how someone who grew up in a healthy household, but isn’t born – again, is more stable than a born – again Christian, due to the distortions they have in their mind from the lack of love in their household as they grew up. a Distorted mind is a serious problem and that’s why God wants our minds renewed. I’ve seen how you can tell a person what is really wrong here, but they can’t agree with you. It’s like a block. They can’t see the truth. You can get a person like Pharoah that still hardens their heart even after the death of their son. People that still doesn’t want to hear. Still stubborn; still prideful. We have to discover how these things are formed. How does hard heart develop…? This is a problem for our relationships mainly, because if a person can’t say “sorry”, then there’s no hope for moving forward. If a person can say “yes, I hear you, I see, I messed up, I take responsibility and will try my best to not do it again” then there’s hope. If we can’t be humble about our “wrongs” then even God has a problem with us then because: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) It’s about coming under the Truth; bowing before the Truth, and letting the Truth be judge. Some of the reasons why people stay prideful behind their “wrong doings” is because they feel ashamed, like Adam and Eve did. Or they don’t like to be in trouble, so they rather won’t admit to anything and just move on, instead of saying “sorry”. This thing is from the devil, keeping you in bondage. It keeps you from growing, because you only grow when you learn. To say sorry is a very powerful thing to do. a Person is actually weak when they can’t say sorry. During conflict resolution we all have to look whether we have grabbed Adam’ leave somewhere; are we in shame? It takes a few traumatic experiences to develop distorted mechanisms. But remember, making excuses instead of working through the problem, will hide or cover your shame or fears, but true forgiveness will take it away. If you have to lie all the time, you’ll open up for a lying demon. We have dealt with people in sessions whereby all the intercessors will pick the same things up, but the person will deny everything and pretend to be fine. There are churches that also believe that “let’s forget the past and just be fine and move forward”. They don’t believe they need the Lord to heal and restore the damage that was made to their soul and mind. Many people walk around with masks that say they are fine, and that nothing is wrong. Pride is also in the mixture. Romans 3: 23 – 24 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified [g]freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, EVERYONE makes mistakes, including you. If we can’t see this, we are missing the Truth. The more prideful you are, the more mistakes you make. Galatians 2: 21 I do not treat the grace of God as meaningless. For if keeping the law could make us right with God, then there was no need for Christ to die. To constantly declare innocence and disregarding that you are a person who make mistakes, you are actually saying that you didn’t need Jesus to die on the cross. 1 John 1: 8 – 10 8 If we say we have no sin, we delude ourselves and the truth is not in us. [His word does not live in our hearts.] 9 If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just [true to His own nature and promises], and will forgive our sins and cleanse us continually from all unrighteousness [our wrongdoing, everything not in conformity with His will and purpose]. 10 If we say that we have not sinned [refusing to admit acts of sin], we make Him [out to be] a liar [by contradicting Him] and His word is not in us. When a person in line with God’ Truth is saying you have wronged them/ you have sinned, and you want to claim innocent and be in denial against the Truth, you then are against God and saying He is a liar. We must be able to submit to the Truth, and the Truth is God. You must FREELY admit… No one should force you to do it. My heart here is to encourage a person to surrender the pride, to not let shame rule them, and submit to God and His Truth, and be set free. Your relationships will go better, and you’ll be able to grow more. Tap into His grace through humility. God expects us to tell the truth, and to call a spade a spade. This is part of the narrow path.

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