Realign Re-centre V2

Realign Re-centre V2

By Pastor Jaco Mostert 29 August 2022

As we continue to be established in His Word and take our every step in 2022 on His Word, I want to encourage you to not give up the good fight. Fear will come, but fear is a liar. Do not let that spirit move you. You have our Father who love you. Who can do ANYTHING. Nothing is too hard for Him. What He started in you, He will finish. This is for every aspect in your life. Rely on Him, and not your own strength. The things will happen, not by power or might, but by His Spirit! Not trusting in the Lord is something that is already in the way of the breakthrough and miracle that you need. You are then in the way. This is why I want to encourage you to rely fully on the Lord. Do what you can, God will do the rest. Do we have the following point in place? Acts 10: 38 ….how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. We are anointed like Jesus was anointed. We have to go around and do good to people. When we start doing this, it’s like opening up a tap of clean water flowing through you, and you will feel refreshed by doing this; by helping others. Our hearts must be “God increase me so that I can be a better blessing to other people” God wants to anoint us to go around and do good; to manifest His Kingdom; so that His will, will be done and people will turn to Him. This is why we are still here. To shine for Him; to influence people to get saved and helped. Proverbs 13: 22 A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous. There is a storeroom that is for YOU. Think about it… “There’s a storeroom for ME.” Whichever way the money was gathered, I don’t know… But I know it’s stored up for me and will find it’s way to me. You have to believe that God does transfers. While you are sleeping, transfers are happening. The Word says we have to meditate on His Word day and night. It means “think about this Truth all the time.”

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