Unmasking Deception 1

Unmasking Deception 1

By Pastor Jaco Mostert 3 June 2021

It is a subtle spirit that easily hides, and people do not realize it is there. It will tell you half-truths. The devil uses it when he feels threatened by you becoming who God created you to be.

Hidden in Lies

It knows where your weaknesses are, and it will use it against you.

He wants to tell you lies that sound like the truth to take you away from God and His plan for your life. It will make you walk in sin and cause you to die spiritually. When there is a seed sown the devil will come in a try to steal it through deception. It will use any open door and weakness to cause division, havoc, and steal your happiness.

Be sharp and understand how it works and what strategies it will use to steal your heart away from God.

Recognize why you react they way you do if you get your way. It can come in through past experiences and it can come out during hardships in relationships.

It will go after lukewarm Christians, Christians who are double-minded and easy to convince. It will go after destroying the church. It will try to destroy the structures and help of God like destroying the image of the pastor. It will go after your children and business. It will go after your mind and put thoughts in your mind to cause division.

Repent for falling for the lies and sin. Then you will need to find out why it attracts you. Your faith will make you whole and heal you but you will need to take the step, no one can take it for you.

Stand on the word of God and believe what God says about you. You need to fight the battle with your spiritual authority. You need to put your pride aside and communicate with the people who are around you so that there will be no room for deception to come in.


Your faith will set you free 10:40

Press in because the devil doesn’t want you to go up 16:43

Division in marriages 22:40

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