Press in by Faith 1

Press in by Faith 1

By Pastor Jaco Mostert 3 June 2021

People are content with being passive spiritually, however, there is a path that we are required to walk, where we need to press in against the flow. If you go where everyone goes, you will end up where everyone ends up. Prosperity and life is your choice and it’s in your hands. God has the ability to hide you from things that are coming, so you need to stay in the spirit.

Be proactive, you need to be ahead so that when the calamity comes you are already filled. You are called to be over the circumstances into the spirit.

Go against the flow

You get strengthened by being in the spirit, so you need to be in this place all the time to remain in your supernatural position.

An example of pressing in by faith was the woman with the issue of blood. It doesn’t get better until you turn to God. She tried everything first and then turned to Jesus. If you go against the flow and circumstances, pressing in by faith, it moves God. In the presence of God, you will get everything you need because you press in. your faith has the power to cause your deliverance. It's up to you, how you respond to Him, that will cause the healing to come.

Stay connected to God

Things around you will try to disarm you, but you need to keep pressing in. your response is what God is looking for because you are responding in faith. Resist the enemy and he will flee. You need to be connected to the heart of God at all times, without running ahead, so we need to get still and listen to Him. You need to know Him in everything you do, so be sensitive to His spirit. You can make big mistakes by not listening to Him.


We are engaged to Him through His promise of the Holy Spirit as a seal of our salvation, to let you know that he wants a relationship with you. He deposited His Spirit in us as a guarantee that God is going to come to get us. Your lamp needs to be full to go into the promised land, God won’t lie and will do what He says but you need to keep pressing in. You have the Holy Spirit power so that you can fly. If you allow the enemy to, he will take you into works, it is not up to you but out of God's power in you to down what we need to do and this is what will keep you humble. You need to be strengthened in your inner man, established in love so that you have power. He is the head and you are part of the body. You need to know your authority in Him. The second and third heavens are under our feet because we are seated with Christ in the third heavens. His love surpasses knowledge, you can access this at all times. His presence will strengthen you.

All the people who did extraordinary things moved to Jesus. God rewards those who earnestly seek Him. It's impossible to please God without faith, so stay active in the faith.

When you feel the pressure, look up at Him as your source. Seek His kingdom first, and then He will take care of the rest. In the sacrifice, the love is revealed, God knows what it costs you to press into Him. Keep focused on Him. People read you so let them see Christ.

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