Slander And Gossip In The Church 2

Slander And Gossip In The Church 2

By Pastor Jaco Mostert 2 June 2021

Slander and gossip is something that doesn’t belong in the church and must be exposed and stopped in the church.

It is an attempt to control people’s minds to get them to see someone the way the gossiper wants them to.

This is also a flesh nature, it’s not to edify or to help. The motive is wrong.

The devil is using a Christians' mouth to bring division and destruction in the church.


- If you engaged in it, we have to repent of it which sometimes means we have to go say sorry to the one who we have spoken of.

- Learn that there is a difference between slander and just getting something of your heart.

- Don’t allow secrets, bring everything into the light.

- Watch your mouth, be fast to hear, and slow to speak.

- Understand that slander and gossip is a form of witchcraft and decide to not participate in it.

- If the church opposes the gossip and slander, it will stop.


Numbers 13: 32 “And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored. They said, "The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size.”

- Don’t be like the 10 men that came back from looking into the promised land and reported only bad news. You can cost you your promised land if you don’t speak and believe in the faith of God. Don’t speak evil of something that God wants for you.

- The 10 men not only slandered about the promised land in their unbelief, but they also slandered the only 2 men which brought a positive report.

- To enter the promised land God has for you is part of the process of getting to your maximum potential and maximum anointing on earth. You can cost yourself this through slandering God’s plan for your life.

- Your slandering can cost other people what God has in store for them.

Ephesians 4:29 – 30

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what helps build others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

- Allow yourself to see the strengths of the person, and with love and in love correct one another.

- Dealing in love with a person will encourage the person to work on whatever weakness has been brought to light in love.

- Let no word from our mouth bring condemnation upon a person.

- Speaking wrongly about people grieves the Holy Spirit

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